Get more from data

With less data entry

Tired of spending hours copying and pasting data from financial documents?

Flextract uses AI to extract structured data from complex financial documents, eliminating manual copy-paste and enhancing accuracy


Streamlined Underwriting & Portfolio Management


Close deals faster by quickly extracting key data from offering memos, rent rolls, financial statements, insurance certificates and other real estate documents to streamline underwriting.


Better Financial Planning & Improved Client Service


Simplify your financial planning process by efficiently extracting data from bank and brokerage statements, tax forms, insurance policies, and estate plans to build a complete financial picture.


Seamless Integration & Efficient Data Extraction


Speed up your product development with our powerful  API to easily extract  structured financial information from unstructured documents to integrate into your software and workflows.


Your All-in-One Solution for Automated Data Extraction

Flextract revolutionizes document processing by seamlessly transforming unstructured data into actionable insights. Our cutting-edge technology streamlines your workflow, saving time and resources while enhancing accuracy.

Universal Document Compatibility

Flextract supports a wide variety of document types and layouts, from simple forms to complex financial statements. Our intelligent system automatically detects the document type and data schema, eliminating the need for manual classification and ensuring efficient processing regardless of source material.

Zero-Training Data Extraction

Say goodbye to time-consuming model training. Flextract extracts data into the appropriate schema without any setup required from you. We use state of the art AI models to read your documents on the fly, delivering accurate results from day one.

Structured Data at Your Fingertips

Flextract doesn't just extract data; it structures it to the right schema, ensuring consistency and usability. Access this wealth of organized information through our robust API, enabling seamless integration with your existing systems and applications.

From Raw Data to Ready-to-Use Spreadsheets

Flextract goes beyond mere extraction by automatically populating data into customizable spreadsheet templates. Choose from our prebuilt options or specify your own to fit seamlessly into your established workflows, making data analysis and reporting a breeze.


Experience the Flextract Advantage Today

Don't let manual data extraction slow you down. Flextract offers a powerful, automated solution that saves time, reduces errors, and streamlines your workflow. Take the next step towards efficient, accurate document processing.